Berths / Mooring boat

The berths / mooring widths at the water houses vary from 10 to 25 meters (the corner lots). A suitable water house can be found for almost all boat types, the water belongs to the houses up to approximately 5 meters from the shore. You can find the mooring width under the general characteristics of the relevant water house.

The water features of Marinapark Oude-Tonge have been constructed with a navigation depth of approximately 2.20 meters, because sometimes (despite the lack of tidal currents) the water level can vary slightly, it is possible to enter Marinapark Oude-Tonge with a draft of up to approximately 2 meters. to moor.

The bridge is also called "the gate to happiness" in the park. To reach the harbor canal one must pass the bridge of the Suisendijk, for boats with a clearance height of more than 1.75 meters, the bridge must be operated.